Executing PyExperimenter

The actual execution of PyExperimenter only needs a few lines of code. Please make sure that you have created the experiment configuration file and defined the experiment function beforehand.

from py_experimenter.experimenter import PyExperimenter

experimenter = PyExperimenter()
experimenter.execute(run_experiment, max_experiments=-1)

The above code will execute all experiments defined in the experiment configuration file. If you want to do something different, e.g. fill the database table with specific rows, or reset experiments, check out the following sections.

Creating a PyExperimenter

A PyExperimenter can be created without any further information, assuming the experiment configuration file can be accessed at its default location.

experimenter = PyExperimenter()

Additionally, further information can be given to PyExperimenter:

  • experiment_configuration_file_path: The path of the experiment configuration file. Default: config/experiment_configuration.cfg.

  • database_credential_file_path: The path of the database credential file. Default: config/database_credentials.cfg

  • use_ssh_tunnel: Specifies if a SSH tunnel will be used to connect to the database. Default: False. If use_ssh_tunnel is set to True, creating a PyExperimenter will also open an ssh tunnel, which should be closed manually. The details of the ssh-connection have to be specified in the database credential file.

  • database_name: The name of the database to manage the experiments. If given, it will overwrite the database name given in the experiment_configuration_file_path.

  • table_name: The name of the database table to manage the experiments. If given, it will overwrite the table name given in the experiment_configuration_file_path.

  • use_codecarbon: Specifies if CodeCarbon will be used to track experiment emissions. Default: True.

  • name: The name of the experimenter, which will be added to the database table of each executed experiment. If using the PyExperimenter on an HPC system, this can be used for the job ID, so that the according log file can easily be found. Default: PyExperimenter.

  • logger_name: The name of the logger, which will be used to log information about the execution of the PyExperimenter. If there already exists a logger with the given logger_name, it will be used instead. However, the log_file will be ignored in this case. The logger will then be passed to every component of PyExperimenter, so that all information is logged to the same file. Default: py-experimenter.

  • log_level: The log level of the logger. Default: INFO.

  • log_file: The path of the log file. Default: py-experimenter.log.

Fill Database Table

The database table can be filled in two ways:

Fill Table From Experiment Configuration File

The database table can be filled with the cartesian product of the keyfields defined in the experiment configuration file.


Fill Table With Specific Rows

Alternatively, or additionally, specific rows can be added to the table. Note that rows is a list of dicts, where each dict has to contain a value for each keyfield. A more complex example featuring a conditional experiment grid can be found in the examples section.

        'dataset': 'new_data',
        'cross_validation_splits': 4,
        'seed': 42,
        'kernel': 'poly'
        'dataset': 'new_data_2',
        'cross_validation_splits': 4,
        'seed': 24,
        'kernel': 'poly'

Execute Experiments

An experiment can be executed easily with the following call:

    experiment_function = run_experiment,
    max_experiments = -1
    random_order = False
  • experiment_function is the previously defined experiment function.

  • max_experiments determines how many experiments will be executed by this PyExperimenter. If set to -1, it will execute experiments in a sequential fashion until no more open experiments are available.

  • random_order determines if the experiments will be executed in a random order. By default, the parameter is set to False, meaning that experiments will be executed ordered by their id.

Add Experiment and Execute

Instead of filling the database table with rows and then executing the experiments, it is also possible to add an experiment and execute it directly. This can be done with the following call:

    keyfields = {'dataset': 'new_data', 'cross_validation_splits': 4, 'seed': 42, 'kernel': 'poly'},
    experiment_function = run_experiment

This function may be useful in case of dependencies, where the result of one experiment is needed to configure the next one, or if the experiments are supposed to be configured with software such as Hydra.

Attach to Running Experiment

For cases of multiprocessing, where the experiment_function contains a main job, that runs multiple additional workers in other processes (maybe on a different machine), it is inconvenient to log all information through the main job. Therefore, we allow these workers to also attach to the database and log their information about the same experiment.

First, a worker experiment function wrapper has to be defined, which handles the parallel execution of something in a different process. The actual worker experiment function is defined inside the wrapper. The worker function is then attached to the experiment and logs its information on its own. In case more arguments are needed within the worker function, they can be passed to the wrapper function as keyword arguments.

def worker_experiment_function_wrapper(experiment_id: int, **kwargs):

    def worker_experiment_function(result_processor: ResultProcessor):
        # Worker Experiment Execution
        result = do_something_else()

            # Some Logs
        return result

    return experimenter.attach(worker_experiment_function, experiment_id)


The experimenter.attach function returns the result of worker_experiment_function.

Second, the main experiment function has to be defined calling the above created wrapper, which is provided with the experiment_id and started in a different process:

def main_experiment_function(keyfields: dict, result_processor: ResultProcessor, custom_fields: Dict):
    # Main Experiment Execution

    # Start worker in different process, and provide it with the experiment_id
    result = worker_experiment_function_wrapper(result_processor.experiment_id)

    # Compute Something

        # Results

Afterwards, the main experiment function can be started as usual:

experimenter.execute(main_experiment_function, max_experiments=-1)

Reset Experiments

Each database table contains a status column, summarizing the current state of an experiment. Experiments can be reset based on these states. If this is done, the table rows having a given status will be deleted, and corresponding new rows without results will be created. A comma separated list of status has to be provided.

experimenter.reset_experiments(<status>, <status>, ...)

The following states exist:

  • created: All parameters for the experiment are defined and the experiment is ready for execution.

  • running: The experiment is currently in execution.

  • done: The execution of the experiment terminated without interruption and the results are written into the database.

  • error: An error occurred during execution, which is also logged into the database.

  • paused: The experiment was paused during execution. For more information check pausing and unpausing experiments.

Obtain Results

The current content of the database table can be obtained as a pandas.DataFrame. This can, for example, be used to generate a result table and export it to LaTeX.

result_table = experimenter.get_table()
result_table = result_table.groupby(['dataset']).mean()[['seed']]
print(result_table.to_latex(columns=['seed'], index_names=['dataset']))


Tracking information about the carbon footprint of experiments is supported via CodeCarbon. Tracking is enabled by default, as described in how to create a PyExperimenter. If the tracking is enabled, the according information can be found in the database table <table_name>_codecarbon, which can be easily accessed with the following call:


Pausing and Unpausing Experiments

For convenience, we support pausing and unpausing experiments. This means that you can use one PyExperimenter to start an experiment, which will be paused after certain operations. Therefore, it can be resumed later on. Afterwards, depending on the parametrization of execute() of the PyExperimenter instance (see in Execute Experiments), the experimenter terminates or another experiment will be started.

To pause an experiment, the experiment function has to return the state ExperimentStatus.PAUSED:

def run_experiment_until_pause(keyfields: dict, result_processor: ResultProcessor, custom_fields: dict):
    # do something

    if some_reason_to_pause:
        return ExperimentStatus.PAUSED

    # do further things
    return ExperimentStatus.DONE

experimenter = PyExperimenter()

At a later point in time, the experiment can be unpaused and continued. This can be done by calling unpause_experiment() on PyExperimenter instance given the specific experiment_id of the experiment to continue, together with a separate experiment function, which only contains experiment code to be executed after the pause. Note that only a single experiment_id can be executed at the same time, i.e. there is no parallelization of unpausing multiple experiment_id supported.

def run_experiment_after_pause(keyfields: dict, result_processor: ResultProcessor, custom_fields: dict):
    # do something
    return ExperimentStatus.DONE

experimenter = PyExperimenter()

A complete example on how to pause and continue an experiment can be found in the examples section.

Close SSH Tunnel

If an SSH tunnel was opened during the creation of the PyExperimenter, it has to be closed manually by calling the following method:
